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Planted in Open Fields: Thomas Franks of True Focus & Faith Out Loud!
"I couldn't run my business or social enterprise if not for Open Fields." - Thomas Franks shares his experience with Open Fields.

"I couldn't run my business or social enterprise if not for Open Fields. The people here believe in me and support me and that means the world to me.⁠"

Today we are featuring Thomas Franks, representing True Focus & Faith Out Loud!

True Focus tells stories for social impact. The mission is to use documentary video production to change the world for good.⁠ Faith Out Loud is Christian storytelling for social media. Its mission is to produce & distribute online videos of Christians living out their faith by doing good.⁠

"I've been working at Open Fields for 2 years now. Came in early 2018.⁠ Some of my best work has probably come out of Open Fields. I was even able to invite one social enterprise into Open Fields to give a lunch time talk that addressed children's literacy among the underprivileged in Singapore.

Not only did people learn something, but some even were interested in helping out & getting more involved in the community. One fellow collaborator & I at Open Fields have actually won a government award just last year for our video project we worked on together. We're currently planning to work on more video projects together this year. This is the kind of stuff that happens at Open Fields!⁠ "⁠

"The community here makes Open Fields. Everyone here is on a mission to help others & to help each other. It's amazing that a place like this exists.⁠"⁠

If you are interested to get planted in this growing community of like-minded entrepreneurs, drop us a message! There is always space for you.

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